Sunday, May 30, 2010

Weight v's Measurements!

Losing weight is so much more than fitting into smaller sized clothing. It is about holding your head high knowing that you are on your personal mission to ultimate health and vitality! It is the ability in knowing that you have believed in yourself, pushed through the tough days and triumphed when you reach your goal weight! However, along the way you'll find that even though you have been eating sensibly and trained like a crazy woman (or man) you jump on the scales and they haven't even god damned moved!! What the hell? This is where measurements come into play!!! I cannot stress enough the importance of measuring yourself on a weekly basis. Do it at the same time as when you weigh yourself - in the morning before breakfast and after the loo on a weekly basis. I find Saturdays the easiest day as I'm not flying around the house getting three boys out the door!  Measure your chest, waist, hips, a thigh and an arm. (I keep my measurement sheet on the back of our bedroom door).

I recall when I first started my journey last year, I was training twice a week with a personal trainer and doing bodypump twice a week and the scales would just not move. Well let me tell you - this ticked me off on a major scale but I knew if I gave up then I'd be even more cranky with myself! So I started taking my measurements and I do believe this is what kept me motivated. Our minds can play tricks on us and this is where many people fall back into old habits and get their cranky pants on. So Measure, Measure, Measure! One of the weeks I didn't lose weight I actually lost 11cms so I still got that feeling of accomplishment because I had trained hard and felt really proud of myself! So far to date I have lost 101cms (over a metre thank you very much!).  So you can see how the numbers add up to achieving a wonderful outcome! Your Goal! Your Triumph! So go get jiggy with your new friend - the tape measure!!! 

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