Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Three Chia's for Breakfast!

If there is one thing I cannot emphasize enough it's having a healthy BREAKFAST!  Regardless of how many kilos you need to shed, no matter how fit you aim to be, no matter who you are - Breakfast is without a doubt imparative for a healthy functioning body! There are so many nutritious choices when it comes to breakfast but given that so many of us are time poor these days I wanted to share this one with you. I have it practically everyday and it's easy peasey!!! I'm talking about good old fashioned Oats! 

Time and time again, I hear in particular Mums who say they don''t have time to have breakfast! Well here's the thing, in plain and simple english!! If you have breakfast you will function better in every aspect of your life! Simple! We make our kids breakfast, so make your own at the same time. Commit to it and fly through the rest of your day!

So as you can see by the photos I buy Uncle Toby's Oats. There are various flavours and multi packs available.  I like the Brown Sugar and Cinnamon flavour. They take 90 seconds in the microwave! So do NOt tell me you don't have a minute and a half to make this nutritious breaky! Make them with skim milk (1/2 cup) and you're away! Absolutely 100% GOOD FOR YOU!!! 

Now you're probably wondering what Chia Seeds are! They are a SUPERFOOD I recently discovered and I just love them and they will love you back! LOL! As stated on the back of the pack - "Chia is an ancient seed that has more Omega 3 and Dietary Fibre than any other food from nature". Chia Seeds promote heart health, support joint function and mobility, promote digestive health and aide regularity and are gluten free. I sprinkle them on my porridge but you can add them to salads, soups or in bread and muffin recipes. So give them a go! You can buy Chia Seeds at health food shops and chemists. 

So what are you having for breakfast tomorrow?


  1. Hi Dee - I think I'm getting the hang of this page/blog thing. I've updated a photo too! I'll be getting some chia seeds today - you've inspired me again! I used to have them in the morning - they are easy to eat. I'm not a big eater in the mornings so I make a fruit smoothie - and I add linseeds/flaxseeds freshly grinded in the coffee grinder - only takes 30 secs - this was recommend to me by Jon Gabriel. I've bought Michele Bridges cookbook, am looking where to buy roo meat in Melbourne so am on my way to losing those last few kgs....thanks for the inspiration!

  2. That's awesome Jen! Michelle Bridges cookbook is fantastic. I was going through it again last night. Thanks for your lovely comments. Keep in touch. Dee x
