Thursday, May 20, 2010

Fun Runs are Fun!

So I did my FIRST FUN RUN last month!  And it was great fun! Why did I always think you had to be an elite athlete to enter one of these things? We made it a family event and my gorgeous cousin, Lauren was up from Brisvegas so she was excited to join Team McGhie!

WOW! So many people of all shapes, sizes and vast age groups. We realised we had been missing out! What a wonderful way of getting outdoors with our kids and doing something together as a family amongst the community. 

So my point is - please don't feel you have to be super fit or an elite athlete to compete in your city's annual fun runs! Who knows you might just get hooked! Check your local guides and papers for upcoming events and commit to it! The entry fee usually supports a local charity or foundation so it's WIN WIN!!!  Oh yeh, you can walk it too! There's no pressure! It's about getting out and giving it a GO!  Zoom! Zoom!

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