Monday, May 17, 2010

Let's talk about time shall we?

When I first saw my fatty boom-ba photo last year, I was mortified - and that's putting it lightly! I think we can all relate to one of those moments in our lives yeh? But one factor remains true, it is up to us to take ownership and responsibility for the sake of our health and well being. Whether its 5kgs or 50kgs, the principle is the same. Take action and never look back. No more excuses people!!!!!

I know how overwhelming the thought of losing a big number is. Daunting yeh? Well do what I did. Break it down (for me sister! hehe) Sorry, random singing!! For me, I said "right! let's lose 5kgs!" I set myself a personal challenge! Then when you do that, rejoice!, then repeat! 5 becomes 10 - then changes become obvious. Now I will explain all the things I did "exercise-wise" and "food-wise" in various blog posts but I just want to help you set yourself up mentally.  Get your head right and everything snowballs from there!

Now onto the TIME issue! One excuse that constantly gets up my goat is people commending me and then in the same breathe they tell they don't have time to excercise!!!! Grrrrrr!!!!! Well! Excuse Me!!! But as far as I was aware we are all given 24 hours in a day, it's just up to YOU as an individual how we use those hours? Got it!!! So see how this ties into getting your head right? Right! Get it into your head that you're going to make time for exercise. Yes, you'll get criticised and you'll be the worse person in the world. But listen here, there are a lot of bitter and twisted people out there - they are just jealous because they can't get up off their arse!!! There I said it!! Dam straight! Make the time, it's your time, use it and use it well!!!

I used to use the "lack of time" excuse in the past but now I go to the gym or go running 6 or 7 times a week.  I aim for a day off but I just can't get enough basically.  It's just part of who I am now.  And it's the BEST!!! And you don't have to join a gym per se if its not your thing, just get moving! But if you have considered joining a gym then you'll be surrounding yourself with like-minded people who will become your friends and who encourage you and support you! I have met some unbelievably amazing people at my gym, (Go Domain Central Fitness, Wooooo!!!!) they've seen my highs and lows and they just CARE! ... it's as simple as that! But no matter what gym you join, they all have timetables which accommodate for everyone. They are open all hours! Some are even open 24/7 these days!! They are open FOR YOU! So what are you waiting for? GO!!!!!

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