Tuesday, May 18, 2010

RPM - Feel the Fire!

Undoubtably my true passion in any kind of fitness / exercise routine is RPM (Les Mills). From the time I start driving to the class the anticipation kills me! For the record, RPM is a high energy indoor cycling class choreographed to loud (very loud) music! It incorporates a lot of resistance and interval training. It's about pushing those pedals through the floor and turning and burning and feeling the fire within. The endorphin high you feel is indescribable! Can you tell I love it?!!! So much so, I got up and shadowed with the instructor tonight, the lovely LJ!

Now I will not sugarcoat it to you, the first 4 or so classes are torture and you are left wondering what everyone is on! However! Persevere my friends, you get immediate results from these classes and you'll crave it more and more. Set yourself the challenge and watch your fitness levels fly through the roof.  If you keep it up, you will blast your cellulite, gun off the weight and shape your legs and butt like nobody's business! But there is one condition, you must put your heart and soul into each class and never cheat on the resistance dial. Why bother going anyway if you're not going to commit to it 110%! Be true to yourself and always empty the tank and you will reap the benefits! I promise you that!!!

I can honestly say that I am a self-confessed RPM addict now. I do three to four classes a week.  It's in my blood!  I don't necessarily go now for the reason of weight loss, I go because I love it and I obviously want to maintain my tone. But more than anything, I will continue to always go because it makes me happy!!! It makes me ALIVE!!! Some people choose pokie machines but I choose a stationery bike! LOL! I love it so much that I have heart palpitations on the drive there for fear of missing out on a front row bike. This has never happened but I'm not prepared to risk it! Now that's dedication!!! 

Here's a Tip! Find something to focus on in your RPM room. At my gym, (DCF!) we ride in the dark and the walls are painted like the Sydney Skyline at night including the Sydney Harbour Bridge and all the skyscrapers are lit up shining brightly! For me, there one light on a particular skyscraper I used to (and still) focus on and when I would feel like I was going barf up a lung I'd focus on the red / pink light on that particular skyscraper (see pic above) and chant to myself "sass + bide, sass + bide". It was my way of keeping my eye on the prize! Sass + Bide refers to my jeans that I'd had for 6 years and had never really fitted me properly. So I'd chant that to myself and tell myself I was not giving up and no one was going to take my "prize" away! Well I am happy to report not only did the jeans eventually fit me they actually look like MC Hammer pants on me now. Ridiculous isn't it! But freakin' awesome! Sooooo find something to focus on and think of yourself reading this blog. Imagine me sitting on your shoulder! What would Dee say? What would she want me to do? Turn and Burn baby!!! Feel the music in YOU...Go for it!!!

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