Wednesday, June 2, 2010

An Apple Cidar a Day...

Ok, so we've talked about the importance of breakfast everyday but there is also another thing I have every morning prior to having my breakfast. A friend of mine who is also a personal trainer got me onto this and I love it! Well, not the taste but the benefits are second-to-none. In fact the taste is not that flash at all but you kinda go into robot mode and don't really notice it after a while. I'm talking about Apple Cidar Vinegar! And most naturopaths swear by it for their patients also! I have 1 tablespoon in a large glass each morning. The tumbler I use is 400ml. Now the trick to swigging it down is to not breathe in the smell. Sorry but that has to be said. And have it with tap water as cold water makes it too hard to skull down in one hit. When I first started on it - I thought I was drinking old was brutal! But as my mantra goes... never, never, never give up! I persevered and now I just measure out each morning and get on with it. Yes! you will be cursing me as I did with this guy but "suck it up" ok? So why have it you ask? Well first of all it breaks down fat and assists in natural weight reduction. It increases your body's metabolic rate and is great for your skin also. It reduces water retention and increases your feelings of well being. Honestly, the list goes on and on. I did a bit of research and found it also helps with headaches, constipation, arthritis, weak bones, indigestion, high cholesterol, diarrhea, eczema, sore eyes, chronic fatigue, mild food poisoning, hair loss, high blood pressure and obesity! Impressive hey? So next time your doing your groceries make sure you grab a bottle. It's located with normal vinegar and it'll only set you back around $2.60 and one bottle will last you around 6 months. Easy, cheap and loads of benefits! Get to it!