About Me

Hi There! My name is Deanne McGhie but I go by Dee or Skippy. I am 36 years old and 172cms tall. I am married to my soul mate Paul and we have three super energetic boys, Samuel, Jett and Cruz. I used to weigh 92kgs after baby no.3. I now weigh 69kgs and have energy to burn! This is my blog of how I got my pre-baby weight back but also how I changed my body shape to a more athletic one. After having inspired many people at a local level, I felt I could potentially reach out to millions of people on a global scale who want to improve their overall fitness and be happy in their own skin! Life is not a dress rehearsal so let's all be the best version of ourselves.

Last August 2009 I decided to make some significant changes to my lifestyle! It has been the best decision I have ever made in my life!!! It had been a little over a year since the birth of my third son and I hated the way I looked. I was 92kgs and looked all "blown up". I was unfit and craved more energy.

After a visit to my GP, I mentioned my concern about my weight and that walking alone was not cutting the mustard and she politely suggested I join a gym so as to up the anti. Well I joined that week. I'd had enough and came to the realisation that if I wanted to change then I had to start doing things differently. Seven months later I was back over at our GP's office, not for me, but my son had a follow-up appointment with his doctor and my doctor walked straight past me purely for the reason that she did not recognize me. I thought to myself, "Geebas!, I must look different...." so I piped up and said excitedly "Hello!" and she deadset took a step back in amazement and before she could say anything, I continued to say, "Well you're the one who suggested I join a gym, so I did!" She was dumbfounded but really proud of me. And let me tell you, I was feeling pretty dam proud at this point.

So how have I done it. Well with each blog I post, I will get into the nitty gritty of various things I have done. But in a nutshell, I hired a trainer, Ryan, for 3 months and learnt ALOT. I never knew what a burpee was and let me tell you I was bloody useless at doing them but I persevered and now they are a piece of cake! They are never enjoyable by the way, but they are the quickest way to strip fat!!!! So do burpees!!! (I will dedicate a blog post to them and pop on some YouTube footage so you know what to do if you already don't). Plus I did fighting fit (boxing), bodypump and later discovered RPM! Having a trainer is without a doubt one of the best things I have ever done for myself. They get you well and truly out of your comfort zone and make you realise what you are truly capable of. And we are all capable of more than we think!!! Don't worry, I had my meltdowns and even felt like just passing out somedays but you get stronger, you get fitter, you build lean muscle and you believe in yourself!

Besides training though I also discovered Kangaroo meat! Hence why my nickname is now Skippy. I will be posting many recipes that my husband Paul and I have invented. Kangaroo is sooooo good for you. Extremely high in protein and very minimal fat and it's cheap so don't tell me you can't afford it! You can eat it till the cows come home....boom, boom! =D

So this blog is for anybody who wants to make real changes in their life! Exercise is imperative for great health. But what you put in your mouth is also extremely important. I am so sick of people starving themselves because they think it's the only way to lose weight. Our bodies want food and we need carbs people. These people that don't eat bloody carbs drive me nuts. Or some people turn to this painkiller or that in the false hope that they'll feel better. But this is only a temporary measure. And I'm not referring to people who have major back problems or critical diseases - I'm just referring to those people who whinge purely because they do not or will not help themselves. Usually its because they are overweight, eat processed crap and don't exercise. My back used to give me curry all the time!!! Well now it's perfect. I have built up my core strength and losing 23kgs had a lot to do with it as well. I used to also have very painful knees. Crippling in fact! And I used to wear those sexy knee guards under my leggings! Getting a picture in your head?? But now there is no pain whatsoever! I am not claiming to be a doctor by any means but this is what has worked for me and if I can help anyone in any way with my blog then I got to say I'll be pretty happy with that.  You can do amazing things and it all starts with believing in yourself! Get on board - Let's Go!

Enjoy! Skippy x

ps. My new goal is to become a personal trainer and an RPM instructor! 

Look out world!!! =)