Friday, May 28, 2010

Friday's Quote

"Be a first-rate version of yourself, not a second-rate version of someone else". Judy Garland


  1. Hi Dee. We haven't met, but I went to school with Paul, I was Christene Tambling back in the day!! I got your blog from a post of Paul's from facebook. I firstly wanted to say congratulations on your weight loss and new healthy lifestyle - it is inspiring. I have got 2 beaut little boy's and have lost 27 kilos over the course of 7 months and I want to lose about 5 or 6 more and I have gone back to work and my will and motivation are waining a little so your blog is just the ticket I need to get back on the bike (literaly). I look forward to following your blog in the future. Cheers Chris

  2. Hi Christene! Thank you for your lovely comments! Wow! 27kgs - that is amazing! If you do RPM then you'll definitely smash those last kilos off! Check out my recipe I posted tonight.... Roo Burgers! They are so Good!

  3. Great Dee - I found time to read your blog this weekend and it's great - great inspiration for me! I hope to meet you one day in Townsville xxoo

  4. Hey Jen! Fantastic... hope to meet you too chick! Enjoy! Dee x
