
roo burgers
burger pattie ingredients:
1kg kangaroo mince
1 brown onion, finely chopped
1 cup breadcrumbs
1 egg
3 teaspoons all purpose seasoning
3 teaspoons chilli paste (optional)
olive oil spray
you'll also need:
1 spanish onion, sliced into rings
1 tomato, sliced
cos lettuce leaves
beetroot slices
bbq sauce or tomato chutney 
 (whichever floats your boat)
soy + linseed breadrolls
To make the roo patties, combine the mince, onion and egg in a large mixing bowl. Add breadcrumbs and all purpose seasoning, combine well. At this point, remove part of the mixture if you are making some for the kids. Then add chilli paste to remaining mixture and combine well. Shape into round patties. With the kids ones, make them into meatball sizes and your kids will be begging for more! Cook the roo patties and mini meatballs in a non-stick frypan that has been lightly sprayed with olive oil. These quantities will make approximately 12 big patties (to fit on a burger bun) and 10 kiddy meatballs. So you'll get 2 nights dinners for a family of 4 or 5. Assemble into burgers with remaining ingredients and VOILA! Delicous!!!