Sunday, May 16, 2010

Well Hello There!!!

My first blog entry! No pressure or anything!!! Geez! Ok, so we're all expected to be a "Jack of all Trades" these days. Right? Well wouldn't we be more efficient and happier for that matter, if we did everything in a fit and healthy body? The answer is obvious.... Yes!

This blog is about me and how I lost a lot of weight and changed my body shape. Some people don't recognize me. My doctor was one of them. So I figured I'd start a blog about the real truths of losing weight and fueling your body the right way!! It is not about starving yourself, "drinking" your meals or detox potions. None of that!!! Ever!!! It is brutally honest and it's about being honest with yourself. It's also about believing in yourself and being consistent.

After baby no. three (all boys) I would walk 5klms a day, Monday to Friday when my eldest two boys were at school. But the scales never moved. Ever! In saying that, I also thought at the time that it was OK to eat Camembert cheese every Friday night washed down with a few bevvies. Strewth! What was I on?? Anyway, I was horribly wrong and came to the realization that I had expanded to a cuddly 92kgs! What the?

The worst part of this is that I didn't think I looked that bad. I knew I wasn't looking foxy by any means but it wasn't until I downloaded my photos off my iPhone onto my Mac that I nearly passed out from the sheer shock of seeing myself looking "all blown up!" Who was that person??

It was my "light bulb" moment! You know the one I'm talking about?! My immediate reaction in my mind, That is it!!!!

I decided there and then that I had two choices. I could continue to get bigger or I could get off my arse and do something about it! Well of course, I did the latter. I had discussed with my doctor about losing weight and I had explained to her that I had been doing heaps of walking but she politely suggested I "up the anti" and join a gym! Eeek! Hadn't been to one of those for a while.

Alrighty then! So I went to the local gym that everybody raved about (Domain Central Fitness) and thought Ok... firstly the creche facilities have to exceed my expectations. If I was going to commit to this then I had to know in my mind that for the one hour I was in a class that my baby was going to be well cared for.

So on arrival to the gym I went straight to the creche to get a vibe! Well it was perfect!!! No turning back now. No more excuses! May I also just say at this point, so many women will say to me today, "Oh, I've got a little one, (ie. baby), I can't join the gym... blah, blah, blah". Well Hello! I'm not holding a tray of pork chops here!!!! This is actually child number three for me and as much as I love him, I am entitled to my timeout too. Sure they'll scream and have meltdowns but they adjust and ultimately look forward to it. Persevere ok!!

Look! It's fair say that we cannot control every aspect of our lives, but if we can look in the mirror and feel proud of ourselves, then I'm pretty sure you'd agree that that makes life pretty Great! Children not only want a happy, fit and healthy mother but it is essential for an awesome family dynamic! Raising a family is tough, we may as well be fit and healthy yeh?!


  1. Hi Dee, Love your blog - I will be reading regularly to keep me motivated. Love your work. Thank you! Barb :)

  2. Thanks Barb! You are looking bloody fabulous woman! Dee x
