Friday, June 11, 2010

Friday's Quote

"Don't be pushed by your problems, be led by your Dreams!"

Monday, June 7, 2010

Burn Fat Fast with Burpees!

OK! So who knows what a Burpee is?  Well I never knew what one was! And let me tell you, when you start doing them you will NEVER forget them! LOL! But here's the thing - they BURN FAT FAST! Sure they are no picnic but they get easier as you work on your technique. I have included a link from YouTube which provides footage of a "beginner burpee". (link is at bottom of this post) I feel its important to know that its ok to start with the beginner version as the normal version is practically impossible to do if you're overweight, unfit or never done one before! I had a PT session once and I'll never forget it, it involved a LOT of burpees and a lot of tears but I persevered and now I can do the normal version. Sure I'm not busting them out like Commando Steve but I can do them and I dread to think what I used to look like doing them! But that's just it, persevere and never, never, never give up! Burpees will become your friend because YOU will see the benefits! Good luck, study the footage and GET TO IT!  nb. This is just one example on YouTube - there is probably a gazillion of pieces of footage but this one is great for the beginner!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Friday's Quote

"When you let your own light shine, you unconsciously give others permission to do the same". Nelson Mandela

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

An Apple Cidar a Day...

Ok, so we've talked about the importance of breakfast everyday but there is also another thing I have every morning prior to having my breakfast. A friend of mine who is also a personal trainer got me onto this and I love it! Well, not the taste but the benefits are second-to-none. In fact the taste is not that flash at all but you kinda go into robot mode and don't really notice it after a while. I'm talking about Apple Cidar Vinegar! And most naturopaths swear by it for their patients also! I have 1 tablespoon in a large glass each morning. The tumbler I use is 400ml. Now the trick to swigging it down is to not breathe in the smell. Sorry but that has to be said. And have it with tap water as cold water makes it too hard to skull down in one hit. When I first started on it - I thought I was drinking old was brutal! But as my mantra goes... never, never, never give up! I persevered and now I just measure out each morning and get on with it. Yes! you will be cursing me as I did with this guy but "suck it up" ok? So why have it you ask? Well first of all it breaks down fat and assists in natural weight reduction. It increases your body's metabolic rate and is great for your skin also. It reduces water retention and increases your feelings of well being. Honestly, the list goes on and on. I did a bit of research and found it also helps with headaches, constipation, arthritis, weak bones, indigestion, high cholesterol, diarrhea, eczema, sore eyes, chronic fatigue, mild food poisoning, hair loss, high blood pressure and obesity! Impressive hey? So next time your doing your groceries make sure you grab a bottle. It's located with normal vinegar and it'll only set you back around $2.60 and one bottle will last you around 6 months. Easy, cheap and loads of benefits! Get to it!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Weight v's Measurements!

Losing weight is so much more than fitting into smaller sized clothing. It is about holding your head high knowing that you are on your personal mission to ultimate health and vitality! It is the ability in knowing that you have believed in yourself, pushed through the tough days and triumphed when you reach your goal weight! However, along the way you'll find that even though you have been eating sensibly and trained like a crazy woman (or man) you jump on the scales and they haven't even god damned moved!! What the hell? This is where measurements come into play!!! I cannot stress enough the importance of measuring yourself on a weekly basis. Do it at the same time as when you weigh yourself - in the morning before breakfast and after the loo on a weekly basis. I find Saturdays the easiest day as I'm not flying around the house getting three boys out the door!  Measure your chest, waist, hips, a thigh and an arm. (I keep my measurement sheet on the back of our bedroom door).

I recall when I first started my journey last year, I was training twice a week with a personal trainer and doing bodypump twice a week and the scales would just not move. Well let me tell you - this ticked me off on a major scale but I knew if I gave up then I'd be even more cranky with myself! So I started taking my measurements and I do believe this is what kept me motivated. Our minds can play tricks on us and this is where many people fall back into old habits and get their cranky pants on. So Measure, Measure, Measure! One of the weeks I didn't lose weight I actually lost 11cms so I still got that feeling of accomplishment because I had trained hard and felt really proud of myself! So far to date I have lost 101cms (over a metre thank you very much!).  So you can see how the numbers add up to achieving a wonderful outcome! Your Goal! Your Triumph! So go get jiggy with your new friend - the tape measure!!! 

Friday, May 28, 2010

Friday's Quote

"Be a first-rate version of yourself, not a second-rate version of someone else". Judy Garland

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Three Chia's for Breakfast!

If there is one thing I cannot emphasize enough it's having a healthy BREAKFAST!  Regardless of how many kilos you need to shed, no matter how fit you aim to be, no matter who you are - Breakfast is without a doubt imparative for a healthy functioning body! There are so many nutritious choices when it comes to breakfast but given that so many of us are time poor these days I wanted to share this one with you. I have it practically everyday and it's easy peasey!!! I'm talking about good old fashioned Oats! 

Time and time again, I hear in particular Mums who say they don''t have time to have breakfast! Well here's the thing, in plain and simple english!! If you have breakfast you will function better in every aspect of your life! Simple! We make our kids breakfast, so make your own at the same time. Commit to it and fly through the rest of your day!

So as you can see by the photos I buy Uncle Toby's Oats. There are various flavours and multi packs available.  I like the Brown Sugar and Cinnamon flavour. They take 90 seconds in the microwave! So do NOt tell me you don't have a minute and a half to make this nutritious breaky! Make them with skim milk (1/2 cup) and you're away! Absolutely 100% GOOD FOR YOU!!! 

Now you're probably wondering what Chia Seeds are! They are a SUPERFOOD I recently discovered and I just love them and they will love you back! LOL! As stated on the back of the pack - "Chia is an ancient seed that has more Omega 3 and Dietary Fibre than any other food from nature". Chia Seeds promote heart health, support joint function and mobility, promote digestive health and aide regularity and are gluten free. I sprinkle them on my porridge but you can add them to salads, soups or in bread and muffin recipes. So give them a go! You can buy Chia Seeds at health food shops and chemists. 

So what are you having for breakfast tomorrow?