Monday, June 7, 2010

Burn Fat Fast with Burpees!

OK! So who knows what a Burpee is?  Well I never knew what one was! And let me tell you, when you start doing them you will NEVER forget them! LOL! But here's the thing - they BURN FAT FAST! Sure they are no picnic but they get easier as you work on your technique. I have included a link from YouTube which provides footage of a "beginner burpee". (link is at bottom of this post) I feel its important to know that its ok to start with the beginner version as the normal version is practically impossible to do if you're overweight, unfit or never done one before! I had a PT session once and I'll never forget it, it involved a LOT of burpees and a lot of tears but I persevered and now I can do the normal version. Sure I'm not busting them out like Commando Steve but I can do them and I dread to think what I used to look like doing them! But that's just it, persevere and never, never, never give up! Burpees will become your friend because YOU will see the benefits! Good luck, study the footage and GET TO IT!  nb. This is just one example on YouTube - there is probably a gazillion of pieces of footage but this one is great for the beginner!

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